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Through the Desert

Chapter Context

This chapter narrates the journey that the Israelites had crossing the Red Sea through the desert. Whenever they confronted any hardships God was there with them to protect and guide. Manna and quails are best examples for this protection. This chapter will help to create a conviction that God always walks with or God is with us always.

Teacher's Guide

  1. Conviction

    - God helped Israelites during their hard times
    - We too are pilgrims having our journey towards heaven

  2. Attitudes

    - be thankful to God who always make us walk
    - when being with God we shall fear nothing
  3. Habit

    - I will try to travel the way that God shows me

  4. Teaching aids

    Chart paper, pictures of different journeys, Holy Bible, bible stories
  5. Presentation of the lesson

    Divide the whole class into groups of two and ask them to share each other about a journey they had. Then encourage them to say out what they heard from group; of course with enthusiasm they will do it. In the same way Israelites also had a journey, with variety of experiences; at times enjoying, at times severe painful…proceed to the chapter explain it.
  1. Let us do

    Write down Ex:15;1-2 on a chart paper and display it in the class. Also ask the whole class to read same loudly. And teacher may read out Ex:15;1-21

  2. Let us find out the answers

    1. Page 48
    2. Manna and Quails
    3. What is it ?
    4. Page 50
    5. Page 52

  1. Journey experience:

    Ask students to write down in detail the experiences they had in any journey. Let teacher scrutinize it and the best ones be presented before the class. Best ones can be awarded with attractive prizes.

  2. Favorite story:

    Ask children to read the bible passage related to the chapter. And let them say a story that they liked most. It is also encouraged to provide them bible story books.








Catechetical Center, Dioceses of Mananathavady,Pastoral Centre, Nalloornad Post, Dwaraka, Mananthavady, Kerala - 670 645

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