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Jesus Who Obeyed The Commandments

Chapter Context

This lesson presents the obedience of Jesus, who lived under all the laws and was loved by God and men. This lesson helps to lead us to the conviction that each one of us, as children of God and members of the Church, is bound to obey God's commandment as well as the commandments of the Holy Church.

Teacher's Guide

  1. Conviction

    - Jesus was obedient to his parents.
    - Jesus grew up in favour of God and men.
    - The members of the Catholic Church should obey the precepts of the church.

  2. Attitude

    - We must follow the model of Jesus life.
    - We must grow up by pleasing everybody.
    - We must obey the laws of the church.

  3. Habit

    - Will always obey.
    - Will try to fulfill duties.
    - Will act in a pleasing manner to all

  4. Teaching aids

    Bible – New testament, Chart written with the verse Luke 2: 52, different childhood pictures of Jesus, great poetry of Christugatha, the book of action song.

  5. Presentation of the lesson

    This is the lesson where Jesus is introduced for the first time. Jesus is our centre point. All the lessons so far, were a preface to that in one way. Jesus as a child, Jesus who obeyed the commandments, Jesus who grew up in everybody’s love…. The idea that children should grow making Jesus as their model must be given to the children. Show different pictures of Jesus as a kid. Children love Jesus more than the characters in old testament. What things did Jesus do at your age? Ask children and have a small discussion. (Song from Christugatha) Introduce the lesson after making a thought in the children that they also must grow like Jesus in their childhood.
  1. Let us find out the answers

    1. Jesus was obedient to His parents.
    2. Jesus grew up in a small house in Nazareth.
    3. God’s commandments and laws of the church are to be obeyed.
    4. The feast days of obligation are Dukhrana of St. Thomas, The assumption of our blessed Mother, Christmas.

  2. Learn by heart

    Ask children to learn the percepts of church by saying repeatedly. Let them learn by heart and say.
  3. Write in proper order

    At the age of twelve he went to celebrate the feast. Jesus was found in the temple In the temple Jesus asked questions His parents saw Jesus and were surprised Jesus came to Nazareth and lived in obedience to His parents
  4. Let us write

    Things that we do
    Will help parents
    Will go to church and pray
    Will go for feast
    Will learn catechism

  5. My decision

    Check that the decision taken is put into practice
  1. To see always.

    Make charts of the precepts of church, Obligatory feast days, Fasting days and display in class. This will help to view and memorize.

  2. To enjoy

    Explain about Jesus’s different stage of life from ‘Christugatha’ by reciting.
  3. More questions

    1. Who all lived in the small house in Nazareth?
    2. What did Jesus do as per Jewish rule?
    3. How did Jesus grow up?
    4. How many are the percepts of church?








Catechetical Center, Dioceses of Mananathavady,Pastoral Centre, Nalloornad Post, Dwaraka, Mananthavady, Kerala - 670 645

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