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The Greatest Commandment

Chapter Context

This lesson teaches that love is the essence of all Commandments. There are two aspects to the Commandment of love given by Jesus: Love of God and love of our brethren. You shall present this lesson in such a way that it would enunciate the relevance of this new commandment of love in the present time.

Teacher's Guide

  1. Conviction

    Love is the essence of God’s Commandments.
    - Love of God and love of our brethren are the two aspects of love.

  2. Attitudes

    - It is when we love humans that we would be able to love God. - Let us glorify Jesus who gave us the new Commandment of love.

  3. Habit

    - I will express my love every day through my deeds.

  4. Teaching aids

    Word-cards, chart paper, The Bible.
  5. Presentation of the lesson

    Give the students a slip of paper each on which the following words are written: Virtue, Love, Obedience, Justice, Patience, Discipline, Vice, Anger, Hatred, Pride, Enmity, Laziness. Tell them to read the slip they got and keep it in their hands. Ask them to form two groups: Group (1) of those who got the slips showing virtues; Group (2) of vices. Collect the slips from the members of Group (2). Ask the members of Group (1) to select the most important virtue. The teacher must ensure that they select ‘love’ and explain that love is the basis of all virtues. All other virtues become meaningless without love. Collect back their slips also and distribute blank slips to everyone. Ask all of them to write the word ‘Love’. Let all students stand up and hold their slips high. Sing a song on love all together and begin with the lesson.

    Let us do:

    Ask the students to find out the names of five Saints and write down a short note on each of them.

  1. Couplets on ‘Love’:

    Ask the students to collect lines on ‘love’ and write them down in a Chart paper for display.
  2. Read and Write:

    Ask the students to read 1 Cor. 13: 4-8 and write sown the same on a chart paper.








Catechetical Center, Dioceses of Mananathavady,Pastoral Centre, Nalloornad Post, Dwaraka, Mananthavady, Kerala - 670 645

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